Eesti Võõrkeeleõpetajate Liit (EVÕL) viib) läbi ESF projekti „Rahvusvaheline keeleeksam“ (01.10.2017 -30.09.2022), mis annab nii võõrkeeleõpetajaks õppivatele üliõpilastele kui ka tegevõpetajatele võimaluse sooritada rahvusvaheline B2, C1 või C2 taseme keeleeksam, mille kulud hüvitatakse. Sinna alla kuuluvad inglise keele rahvusvahelised eksamid B2 First, C1 Advanced, C2 Proficiency, IELTS ja TOEFL iBT.
Eesti Võõrkeeleõpetajate Liit kutsub üldhariduskoolide õpetajaid ja võõrkeeleõpetaja eriala omandavaid üliõpilasi osalema projekti “Rahvusvaheline keeleeksam” infoseminaridel.
5. aprill 2021
16.00 – 18.15 Zoomi veebikeskkond |
Preparing for C1 and C2 level examinations: focus on the writing paperThe seminar will discuss the characteristics of the writing ability at the C1 and C2 levels, the differences between the two levels, the task types used in the examinations to test the writing ability, and the assessment of examinee responses. Participants will have the opportunity to write examination-type texts as well as to analyse and assess them. |
19. aprill 2021
16.00 – 18.15 Zoomi veebikeskkond |
Preparing for C1 and C2 level examinations: focus on the listening paperThe seminar will discuss the format as well as the text and task types used in the listening papers of C1 Advanced and C2 Proficiency examinations. The differences between the two levels will be explained. Sample tasks will be completed and discussed, and examination tips provided. |
14. mai 2021
16.00 – 18.15 Zoomi veebikeskkond |
Preparing for C1 and C2 level examinations: focus on the speaking paperThe seminar will discuss the characteristics of the speaking ability at the C1 and C2 levels, the differences between the two levels, and the way the ability is tested in examinations. The format of the speaking paper will be explained and participants will practise participating in a paired interview. Some videos with examinee performances will be watched and the performances analysed and assessed. |
Registreerimine: | |
Lisainfo: Ene Peterson, projektijuht
Tel: +372 53 47 38 36