The Language Teacher and Teaching at Crossroads
9 June – 11 June 2016, Tallinn (Estonia)
Conference venue: Original Sokos Hotel Viru, conference centre
(Viru väljak 4, Tallinn)
The FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region is pleased to announce NBR 2016 conference hosted by Estonian Association of Foreign Language (the EATFL) in Tallinn, Estonia. In 2012 EAFLT joined the FIPLV regional organization Nordic- Baltic Region (the NBR), a year later the EAFLT became a member of the FIPLV (the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes).
The Estonian Association of Foreign Language Teachers (EAFLT) was established on 5 December 2009. The EAFLT is an umbrella organization of the Association Estonian as a Second Language (EKTKÕL), the Association of Teachers of German (Estnischer Deutschlhrerverband), the Association of Teachers of Finnish, the Association of Teachers of Russian(VÕS) and the Estonian Association of Teachers of English(EATE). |
We have entered a digital age. The field of language education is changing at an ever-increasing rate. The generation of New Students (the so-called the Net generation) has passed and is passing through our classes. Educating the Net Generation is a privilege and a challenge. Twenty-first century students are tech-savvy, worldly and quick to shrug off what cannot be proven. They expect a great deal of us, just as we do of them. But do they always meet our expectations?
The conference aims at providing a platform for the discussion of the changing roles of the teacher, dissemination of good practices of teaching in the 21st century with a special focus on research insights, innovative ideas and hands-on-activities.
The conference programme focuses on the following topics:
· Language Policy and Language Education Policy
· Learning and Teaching Less Widely Taught Languages
· Traditional vs. Innovative Teaching Methods
· The Teaching Profession and Teacher Networks: Today`s and
· Tomorrow`s Challenges
· Emerging Technologies in a Digital Age
· Quality in Language Teaching and Learning
· Multilingualism and Employability
NBR 2016 is open to anyone who has an interested in the conference topics and finding the key to being a successful teacher in the 21st century.
Ene Peterson
Chair of Estonian Association of Foreign Language Teachers
Head of NBR2016 conference organizing committee