Euroopa võõrkeelte spetsialistid said kokku Grazis

29.09.- 01.10.11. toimus Grazis Euroopa Nüüdiskeelte Keskuse (ECML) 2008-2011 projektide lõppkonverents Empowering Language Professionals, millest võttis kokku osa üle 200 võõrkeeleõpetuse spetsialisti kogu Euroopast....

EATE 20th Annual Conference

MHG, Tõnissoni 3, Tartu, 28 October 2011 The 20th Annual Conference of the Estonian Association of Teachers of English will be held in Tartu Miina Härma Gymnasium (3 Tõnissoni Street, Tartu) on 28 October 2011. The Annual Conference opens on 28...

Poliglotti 4 is a project promoting multilingualism in Europe – the result of the deliberations of the EU Civil Society Platform on Multilingualism. This website reports on best practice in language policy and language learning, and provides policymakers,...